Become a Sponsor or Vendor

Please complete the form below to stay up to date on opportunities at next year’s event. We will reach out as soon as registration opens.

Event Overview

General Dox-A-Palooza Deadlines

May: Exclusive Opportunity for Past Sponsors and Vendors Opens

July: Exclusive Opportunity for Past Sponsors and Vendors Closes

July: Sponsors and Vendor Registration Opens to the Public

October 15th: Deadline for DARE to receive Gift Baskets, Gift Cards, or Product Donations

October 15th: Sponsor and Vendor Registration Closes

About our Audience

About Our Attendees

A long-standing tradition, Doxapalooza draws over 1000 attendees every year. Attendees come from all over the United States with a heavy population from Florida…more specifically the Tampa Bay and Jacksonville areas. There is strong attendance from both male and female adult audiences.

About Our Online Audience

With over 100k followers and a 70.9k reach on Facebook and 3.7k followers and an 8.4k reach on Instagram, our follower demographic is heavily female and mostly based in the State of Florida…Jacksonville and the Tampa Bay area specifically.


Contact DARE at for any questions or additional information.